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Our Packages

Waiting 30-90 days to be reimbursed for services rendered is frustrating, but not getting paid at all can severely impact your practice’s operations and cash flow. Many therapists struggle with the complexities of revenue cycle management, leading to delayed payments and financial stress. This is where we step in.

We understand the pain points—endless follow-ups, lost revenue due to denied claims, and the overwhelming administrative burden that takes you away from your clients. Our goal is to help therapists collect what they’re owed, ensuring your practice remains financially healthy.

We offer two tailored service packages to support the back end of your revenue cycle:

Consulting Package: This option focuses on developing a customized strategy for your revenue cycle team. We’ll work with you to identify gaps, streamline processes, and implement best practices to enhance your revenue collection efforts.

Execution Package: If you need hands-on support, our execution package is designed to assist your revenue teams in actively collecting outstanding revenue. We’ll help ensure that no payment slips through the cracks, maximizing your practice’s profitability.

By choosing the right support, you can eliminate the frustration of unpaid services and focus on what you do best—providing quality care to your clients. To get started select the Get Started button below. 

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